Breif summary of transition journey from rest api to graphQl
Jose KJ
Jose KJ
I have been useing, creating rest apis for past 4+ years, recently i had an oppertunity to learn appolo graphql at NeoIto and the journey so far was great.In this blog i will try to briefly explain how i learned graphql, handled new feature updates on an existing graphql project.
I gone through appolo graphql docs, learned about mutations,queries. We use mutations for doing some updates in db and we use queries to fetch some data from db. In both mutations, queries we can pass required params.
this link contain examples of query, mutations
we can use localhost:4000/playground to test query, mutaions, and also to view the details of each query,mutations
in graphql, advantages i saw was
we can select the params we need in response from the list of available key values present in response,
graphql playground seems to be great doc, where u can see all muations,queries, their params, responses etc
did i felt anything as missing?
No, i could't find anything that i couldn't do with graphql.
Maybe there exists, but during my journey of updateing an existing application i didn't face any.